Baycross Christian Family Foundation awarded a grant to Good Samaritan Pharmacy & Health Services for the purchase of live-saving medications for those who cannot afford to pay. The mission of Good Samaritan Pharmacy & Health Services Inc.  is to provide free prescription and over the counter medication to qualified patients who fall under the 200% Federal Poverty Guidelines. In addition, Good Samaritan Pharmacy has recently opened a free walk-in medical clinic one evening a week where  volunteer doctors and nurses  examine patients; write prescriptions, and have them filled that evening at their dispensing pharmacy.   This year, with the expansion of the free walk-in medical clinic, Good Samaritan Pharmacy is dispensing more and more prescriptions than ever,  increasing the number of prescriptions and the prescription budget by 30%.  The grant from Baycross will enable Good Samaritan Pharmacy to purchase much needed medicationsIMG_2716 gsm4 gsm 1 gsm 2. These prescription drugs are, in many cases, saving the lives of local people in need.
