Current Events
Baycross launches New_Unity Outreach in Newtown!
Join us every Tuesday at 6 p.m., Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and Saturday at 9:30 a.m. to walk the blocks of Newtown, meet the folks, and pray for the needs of this community. We meet at the Sarasota House of Prayer on 17th St. All are welcome!
Baycross Christian Family Foundation sponsored a table at the 2015 Harvest House Luncheon to benefit the homeless families in our community.
The Harvest House Family Haven gives homeless families a safe place to call home until they find a more permanent housing solution. Baycross provided a $25,000 matching grant to help the Harvest House expand its housing options for homeless families! We are inspired by the vision and selfless determination of the Harvest House Centers to alleviate the oppression of the poor and needy in our community. The testimonies of those who have been transformed through the Harvest House programs are songs of praise to heaven! Baycross is honored to be a part of this God-honoring service.
Baycross Christian Family Foundation sponsored a table at Selah Freedom’s Fashion Show Fundraiser Event on January 27, 2015! We are so excited about the partnerships that God is forging as we share our visions and resources to show the love of God in our community.