Baycross Christian Family Foundation awarded a grant to the Harvest Tabernacle Church for continued operation of the Free Indeed Food Pantry in Sarasota. free indeed pic

Free Indeed is Pantry is the largest privately run All Faiths Food Bank distribution site in Sarasota County. They offer a wide variety of healthy options such as fresh produce and frozen meats to hundreds of needy families and thousands of individuals in our community. The Harvest family has blessed tens of thousands individuals over the years. They have distributed almost 5,000,000 pounds of food provided by All Faiths Food Bank since 2002 and are serving approximately 1,000,000 meals per year from all food sources, which currently include Publix, Trader Joes and All Faiths Food Bank.  the Free Indeed Food Pantry serves the most vulnerable populations in our community.

The grant from Baycross will enable the Free Indeed Pantry to continue operations and provide food for thousands of those in need.
