Baycross Christian Family Foundation is proud to support Selah Freedom. Selah Freedom serves survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation in our community. Currently, the survivors Selah serves are in  need of more clinical covering and group therapy in its Residential and Outreach Programs. The grant from Baycross will provide Selah Freedom with the means to bring on an additional licensed clinician to facilitate and lead group therapy with the women whom Selah Freedom serves.
Selah Freedom is growing exponentially.  The graduates who transition into Independent Living, as well as the women participating in Selah’s Outreach Programs need more therapeutic covering and continuity of care. Selah’s Outreach Team has worked with over 300 women so far this year.  The grant from Baycross will provide counseling services to women on the streets, women in the residential programs, as well as the Selah Freedom graduates who have moved on to independent living.  
