BCFF awarded a grant to The Homeless Ministry (The Hope Ministry), an outreach ministry of the United Pentecostal Church of Sarasota, to minister to the needs of the local homeless population through its Sunday breakfasts. The Sunday breakfast is designed to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the homeless to come and receive a hot breakfast, two hours of fellowship, discussion and worship service every Sunday morning.

Every week, new homeless guests come to enjoy the Sunday breakfast.  Many in this population live with disabilities (mental as well as physical), and suffer with alcoholism and addictions. Many of them are not interested in the work required to change their lifestyle. The Hope Ministry offers the Sunday breakfast to anyone and everyone and treats all of their guests with dignity and respect, while focusing their individualized ministry efforts on those who are desperately trying to overcome. Throughout the week, the Hope Ministry continues to encourage and work one-on-one with those individuals who show a desire and willingness to  overcome the strongholds in their lives.

Every week at the Breakfast Meeting, some of the homeless share their testimonies of the progress they are making; pos 1some announce their “sobriety” (free of alcohol, drugs, or crack) for “x” number of days; some report getting a job and/or finding a place to stay – and are now off the street. These testimonies provide hope, encouragement, and comfort to the entire group.
