Baycross Christian Family Foundation awarded a grant to Youth for Christ that enabled them to bring 12 students and 3 leaders to the Youth for Christ middle school camp, Camp Grace.
Through a collaboration between Baycross, Light of the World Church, and Youth for Christ,  low-income students from the Newtown community in Sarasota were able to take a vacation this summer and experience new things such as a high ropes course, zip line, horse back riding, tons of games. Most importantly, Youth for Christ camp gave these students the opportunity to hear the Gospel in a clear relevant way, while connecting them in authentic Christ-sharing relationships with their leaders.  All of the students were presented with the opportunity to respond to the Gospel and say “yes” to Jesus. God convicted 5 of these students and they made the best decision of their lives and decided to become followers of Jesus. Youth for Christ will continue to build relationships with all of these students in hopefull expectation that they will all become life long followers of Christ. grace_day2-16 grace_day3-114 grace_day4-30 grace_night5-15-2 grace_day6-32
