Baycross Christian Family Foundation partnered with local churches, nonprofits, volunteers and businesses in Sarasota to bring Christmas in the Park 2017 to Gateway Whittaker Park on December 25, 2017.  Our community’s generosity blessed over 300 people experiencing homelessness on Christmas Day! All enjoyed hot food fresh off the grill, along with delicious side dishes and desserts, free haircuts by licensed stylists, live entertainment and dancing with DJ Bishop Freeze, and warm hospitatily from over 100 volutneers who showed up to serve.  As a community united for doing good, we were able to give out hundreds of gift cards for food, bus passes, clothing, pillows, blankets, toiletries, batteries , food-to-go and so much more! We were also able to raffle off new bikes, backpacks, tents and 30-day SCAT passes to our homeless neighbors.  Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

See this great video from Christmas in the Park.
